Bronze Class Year 4
Autumn 1
- Computing Unit 1 - Coding
- Design and Technology: Textiles
- French: Yearly Overview
- History: Britains Settlements from Anglo Saxons and Scots
- Music Unit 1: Mama Mia
- PSHCE: Unit 2: Being Me in my World
- Science: Animals and Humans: Teeth and the digestive system
- PE Ball Skills and Fitness
- Computing Unit 8 - Hardware Investigators
Autumn 2
- Art: Drawing
- Art: Painting
- Computing Unit 2 - Online Safety
- French: Yearly Overview
- Music: Unit 2: Glockenspiel Stage 2
- PSHCE: Unit 2: Celebrating differences
- Science: Living Things and Habitats: Classification
- PE Athletics and Dance
- Geography - Rivers
- Geography - The Water Cycle
- Computing Unit 7 - Effective Searching
Spring 1
- Design and Technology: Food and Nutrition: What's really in your food?
- Design and Technology: Food and Nutrition: Is cheap food always bad for you?
- French: Yearly Overview
- History: The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor
- Music: Unit 3 - STOP!
- PSHCE: Unit 3: Dreams and goals
- Science: Sound
- Computing Unit 5 - Lego
- Computing Unit 6 - Animation
- PE: Tennis and Yoga