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St John's C E (C) Primary School

Together in love, we learn with Respect, Hope,Friendship and Forgiveness

EYFS - Red Class (Mrs Brunton & Miss Houlihan)

Here is our timetable of all the exciting things we do in Red Class every week.

RWI Phonics

At St Johns C.E Primary School we follow the RWI phonic scheme. Your children have all been given their own set of flashcards which we will be using at school to teach your child the pure sounds in order to help them become confident readers. Please practise these sounds daily with your child as it's essential they recognise all of these sounds by February half term.

The majority of children are now able to orally blend sounds and we are so proud of how their reading skills have developed. Please read on to find out how you can help your child become a confident and fluent reader.

Set One Sounds

Each sound is linked to a picture hook and short rhyme to help the children learn and remember them. Please practise these sounds with your children on a regular basis.

Learning to Blend


Your child will learn to read words containing Set 1 Speed Sounds by blending sounds together to create words.  We call this ‘Fred Talk’.

m-a-t    mat

c-a-t    cat

g-o-t    got

f-i-sh    fish

s-p-o-t   spot

b-e-s-t   best

s-p-l-a-sh   splash

 Please click on the link below to see how to support your child to learn to blend at home.



Reading words

In Reception the children practise their reading at lots of different points during the day. We encourage the children to use Fred talk and then say the word. If a word has a diagraph in such as sh, ch, th or ng we say special friends, Fred talk read the word e.g. if the child saw the word chip we would ask them to identify the special friend "ch" then we would say Fred talk "ch - i - p" and then say read the word "chip".

By the end of Reception we expect the children to be able to do this confidently and read some words on sight. Please click on the links below to see all the different words we will be teaching your child to read including the speedy ones we expect them to be able to just read by the end of the year.


In Reception we are working hard to form our letters correctly. During our daily handwriting session we use the rhymes below to help us form our letters correctly Please click on the pencil below to see all of the different rhymes we use.


In Red Class we use the White Rose Maths guidance to support the teaching of Maths to ensure our children reach the Early Learning Goal at the end of the year. 

Below are some of the examples of questions and challenges that we will be exploring this half term. If you have any questions regarding this please don't hesitate to speak to a member of the Early Years team.

In Red Class every half term we set new objectives that we are going to be covering in RE, PSCHE, Music and PE. Please see the links below to find out what your child will be learning this half term.
