Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Report
Pupil Premium is additional school funding from the Government to provide additional support to pupils on roll from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for statutory free school meals (SFSM) or those who have been in receipt of statutory free school meals in the past six years. The funding is also available for children in local authority care who have been looked after for more than one day, adopted children or children of service personnel.
As a school, we are free to spend the Pupil Premium funding as we see fit. However, we are held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils from these groups of children and the emphasis must be on raising attainment. The funding per pupil has increased substantially year on year with those qualifying for free school meals generating income for our school detailed in the table below.
At St John’s we recognise that all children, regardless of background, should have equal access to a curriculum that will enable them to reach their potential and how we spend our Pupil Premium allows this to happen for our deprived children by narrowing the gap between themselves and their non-deprived peers. We organise teaching and learning to meet the needs of all our children in the best way possible, which may mean in some circumstances when Pupil Premium funding is used for interventions to support the progress of Pupil Premium children, other children who need similar support and approaches to learning but not on the FSM register may also be included and access it.
The Department of Education has created a document - Pupil Premium - what you need to know - which expands on the purpose of the Pupil Premium and the key facts. The link for this document is https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pupil-premium-information-for-schools-and-alternative-provision-settings.