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St John's C E (C) Primary School

Together in love, we learn with Respect, Hope,Friendship and Forgiveness

Useful Information



Rawcliffes in Dewsbury (near the market) are our uniform supplier from November 2020. You can call into the shop in person or order directly online at


Your child should wear a white shirt or polo shirt. They must also wear either a school cardigan or sweatshirt that has the St. John's logo embroidered on it or a navy blue unbranded cardigan or sweatshirt. Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore should also be worn. In the summer a blue checked summer dress is also part of uniform. Your child will need plain, dark, flat, sensible school shoes - sandals are not considered safe as many children trip in them.


For PE your child should wear white t shirt, dark coloured PE shorts - dark coloured tracksuit bottoms/joggers are suitable for the winter - along with black slip on pumps. No jewellery is permitted. Children also have the option of wearing a branded school hoodie on PE days only. Unbranded hoodies are not permitted but unbranded navy sweatshirts or cardigans are.


Please do not send your child in lace up shoes if they are unable to tie their own shoe laces as this is a health and safety hazard.


If you would like your child to enjoy milk as part of their snack time please log on to to order it directly from Cool Milk. They will contact us and let us know when your child is due to start having milk and deliver the cartons fresh each morning. You can choose to order it for the term or the whole year.  



Any child who is entitled to Pupil Premium Funding receives free school milk. Your child will also receive free school milk up until the term they turn 5 years old.

Session Times

  • School opens at 8.40am for learning to start at 8.50am.
  • Mid morning break is  for fifteen minutes followed by milk with a fruit and veg snack.
  • Lunch 12.20pm-1.20pm.
  • School finishes at 3.15pm.



If your child is going to be absent please telephone the school before 8.50am to let us know the reason why. You can also email us or use the contact form on our website, or message us via Class Dojo. If we do not hear from you we will contact you to discuss the reasons for absence. If no reason is given your child's absence will be recorded as unauthorised and monitored within our absence tracking.


Appointments during School Time

​Wherever possible please make medical appointments outside of school times. If your child does have an appointment during school time please bring the letter or appointment card so a copy may be stored on your child's record. 


Term Time Leave of Absence or Holiday

If your child is going to be absent for any other reason than medical or illness you must complete a Leave of Absence form requesting permission to take your child out of school, giving the dates you wish to leave and return. Each request for absence during the term is considered on an individual basis and permission may be granted in exceptional circumstances. 


If permission is not granted and your child is still absent, this will be recorded as unauthorised and may result in a penalty notice being issued. Please look at our Attendance Policy for further details along with the guidance issued from Kirklees Attendance and Pupil Support. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

School Dinners

School dinners are provided free of charge for all infant school children (Reception to Y2), these are known as Universal Infant Free School Meals. Once your child is in KS2 school dinners are £2.75 per day which will be charged through Parent Pay. We still ask you to complete an online form to check eligibility for Statutory Free School Meals. If your child is entitled to Statutory Free School Meals they will also receive free school milk, free access to Breakfast Club and we will receive Pupil Premium funding to help support your child further in school. 


You can choose your child's lunch with them each day via Parent Pay - you receive log in details for this when your child starts at our school. You can also see what your child has had for lunch each day using Parent Pay if they have chosen their own lunch whilst at school. We provide vegetarian, non-halal and halal meals. If your child is allergic to any foods we will meet with you to create a lunch menu specific to their dietary needs. 



Collective Worship

Each Friday at 9am parents, carers and families are invited to join us in celebrating the hard work the children put in every day. Everyone is welcome!


Medicines in School

If your child has been prescribed medicine from the doctor that needs to be taken during the school day you must complete a Medicines in School Form in the school office. We can administer medicine that has been dispensed from a pharmacy with your child's name, name of the medicine and dosage clearly labelled. If you are unsure whether your child needs to bring their medicine to school, please contact the school office for further advice. We can also administer medication that has been bought over the counter. However, we are unable to give ibuprofen without a prescription from the doctor. 


Children who have asthma must have an inhaler that is kept in school. The inhaler should be in its original box which has been dispensed from a pharmacy with your child's name, name of inhaler and dosage clearly labelled. They will also need to bring in a spacer.  You will still need to complete a Medicines in School Form in the school office so we are able to create a Healthcare Plan.  


If your child has complex health needs please discuss these with your child's teacher or contact the school office so we may work together to set up a healthcare plan and provide you and your child with the support needed whilst they are part of St John's Infant School.


Rise and Shine Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club opens at 8am and doors close at 8.20am. Children are given the choice of several cereals, toast with butter/margarine and or jam, fruit juice and a piece of fruit to start the day for just £2.50. Children who are entitled to Pupil Premium funding are able to attend Breakfast Club free of charge. If you would like your child to come to Breakfast Club please speak to Miss Stanley in the school office.


Rainbow Club Afterschool Care

Rainbow Club Afterschool Care is for those children who need to stay a little longer because of parents' other commitments, whether that be for work, or an appointment. It is £3 per day, per child, between 3.15pm-4.15pm. If you are going to be late to collect your child at hometime you have the option of ringing the school office and asking staff to keep your child in Rainbow Club until you get here.  
