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St John's C E (C) Primary School

Together in love, we learn with Respect, Hope,Friendship and Forgiveness

Year 5 - Silver Class (Mr McKinna)

Welcome to Silver Class!


What your child will learn in Year 5:

In Year 5, a wide variety of subjects is taught.

Your child will have daily English, maths, reading and spelling lessons. 

Weekly, the children will have lessons in:



-History or Geography





-PE (2 lessons)

-Art or DT


Year 5 Long Term Rainbow Curriculum plan



For a more detailed overview of what is taught in class please read the knowledge organisers on the class page



Things to remember:


Every day

We need to bring the following things to school every day:

  • Planner: These contain our weekly spellings and our log in details for Purple Mash. We also use these as a Reading Record Book to record which books we are reading and the results of our Accelerated Reader quizzes.
  • Reading Book: We read in school everyday.
  • Water bottle: In order to help us learn, we need to be fully hydrated.
  • Please check Class Dojo regularly for messages and updates.
  • If you have any questions at all then please send me a message on Class Dojo or speak to me at the door at home time.



Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday.

As we are in Key Stage Two and we are growing up, we need to change into our PE kit for our PE lessons. This is to ensure that we remain hygienic and comfortable throughout the school day. Please make sure that the correct PE kit is brought into school on these days (and that they are washed regularly!)

Please note, from February half term onwards, Friday's PE lesson will be a swimming lesson, led by trained instructors, at the Spen Valley Leisure Centre.



Homework will be given out on a Friday. Please return by the following Friday at the latest.

Homework will be sent out via the Class Dojo Portfolio. However, it will also be handed out in paper format for those who have indicated that this is preferable.  Please note that if homework is sent out in paper format, the expectation is that it is returned to school on a weekly basis.

Homework will include:

  • Spellings (Practise daily)
  • Reading (Read daily and record in planner)
  • Times tables learning (Using Purple Mash or other methods)
  • Maths (Consolidation of something covered in class)
  • Punctuation and/or grammar practice sheet.


Spelling test

New spellings will be given out on a Monday. These will be stuck into your child's planner and are based upon the spelling unit that the children will be completing that week. Please support your child by practising these at home, ready for the test the following Monday.


Times tables test

Children will continue to practise their times tables as part of their daily Maths lesson. At the end of each week, children will be tested on the times tables that they have been practising. Completed tests will be sent home so that they can be consolidated. Please practise times tables regularly at home, if necessary, either orally or using Purple Mash.


What can you do to help your child?


Attendance: Our days are jam packed to ensure that your child becomes secure in their learning and meets their End of Key Stage expectations. Frequent late arrivals and absences leave gaps in your child's learning which impacts what they are able to achieve.

Please support us by:

  • ensuring that your child comes to school everyday.
  • ensuring that your child arrives in class at 8:40am. The children complete their first maths learning task before Act of Worship at 9 o'clock.
  • where possible, avoiding appointments during the school day.
  • avoiding taking holidays during term time.




  • Children should develop the habit of reading at home daily, sometimes independently and sometimes with an adult.
  • Listen to your child read, model how a text should be read to your child, discuss the meaning of new words and phrases, ask questions to ensure that your child is understanding what they are reading.
  • Engage in talk with your child about what they have read.
  • Once they have read a book, encourage your child to complete a quiz in school to show that they have understood what they have read.
  • Regularly look at your child's quiz results which will be written in their planner.
  • Encourage your child to choose books within their ZDP range. 


Times tables  

Quick recall of all times tables and their related division facts is a key skill for Key Stage Two pupils.

  • Ask your child multiplication and division facts regularly.
  • Ensure that your child uses Purple Mash to practise their times tables.
  • Look at the results of your child's times tables test (sent home on a Friday) and help them to learn any incorrect answers.


Year 5/6 Common Exception Words 

These are words that your child should be able to read and spell accurately by the end of Year 6.

  • Practise 2 or 3 of these per week until your child is confident. 

Year 3/4 Common Exception Words

Some of these are very tricky - it's worth recapping the spellings of these, too.
