Governing Body
The Governing Body are a group of officials who draw up policies and procedures and ensure the school is meeting its legal obligations in all aspects and areas. They meet at least once a term and question the school's data and performance along with financial regulation, staffing, attendance and provision for the community.
Instrument of Government for
St. John's Church of England
(Voluntary Controlled)
Primary School
The governing body shall consist of:
- 1 Head Teacher
- 2 Parent Governors
- 1 Governor appointed by the Local Authority (Kirklees)
- 1 Staff Governor
- 4 Co-opted Governors
- 2 Foundation Governors with 1 being appointed as Ex-Officio by Diocese of Leeds in partnership with the Dewsbury Team Parish
If you would like a copy of any minutes from our Governing Body meetings, please contact the school office on 01924 325323 or email
Mrs Dhangar on
Roles and Responsibilities of Governing Body Members
Register of Business and Attendance of Govenors Meetings:
Trade Unions:
No time is currently taken by staff as union officials to carry out out their union duties.