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St John's C E (C) Primary School

Together in love, we learn with Respect, Hope,Friendship and Forgiveness

EYFS - Red Class (Mrs Rowbotham)

Welcome to Red Class: Early Years Reception

A year in Reception- our long term curriculum plan

Things to remember:



- bring your book bag and reading book to school EVERY day as we do 1:1 reading throughout the week

- always come in a suitable coat and footwear; we love outdoor learning in Reception and go out in all weathers!

- bring a water bottle to school each day

- read daily at home and use your phonics to read the set words

- check if your child has brought a phonics book home with them to practise



TUESDAY: Hand in your reading and library books at the door. 

THURSDAY: Miss Khan teaches Red Class

FRIDAY: Come in your PE kit and remove or cover earrings. Check the dojos for this week's homework.




RWI Phonics

Every day the children take part in a phonic session where they recall sounds and use them to read and write words. Our aim in Reception is for all children to be able to blend by Christmas- I am pleased to say that lots of the children can now blend sounds to read words and some are almost there!


Reception children now work in phonic groups across school with children of the same ability as themselves. Some children are now working with KS1 children and staff. 


Please refer to the personalised letter sent out after the last phonics assessments took place regarding your child's phonic group, what they are now working on and what their next steps are. Where possible please support them with these steps at home.


Thank you 
