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St John's C E (C) Primary School

Together in love, we learn with Respect, Hope,Friendship and Forgiveness

Year 3 - Violet Class (Mr McKinna)

LKS2 Welcome Meeting

Please read the Long Term Curriculum Plan to see what your child will be learning in all subjects across the year.




Things to remember

Monday - spellings are sent home. Children will be tested on their spellings the following Monday. 

Wednesday/Thursday - PE days, you must come in a PE kit with trainers or pumps. Earrings and jewelry need to be removed.

Friday - Homework is sent out and is due back by the following Wednesday.

Please check Class Dojo regularly as all updates are posted there first.

If you have any questions at all about year 3 then please send a message on Class Dojo or speak to one of us at the door at home time.

What can you do to help your child's progress?

-Read daily for at least 10 minutes

-Ensure your child practises their spellings daily

-Practise the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables

-Complete the homework that is set weekly

Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings:

Please practise reading and writing these words at home.
